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Sample Content

I want to make sure anyone interested in this program knows EXACTLY what they're getting when they purchase it. Aside from providing the course outline both what will be available upon release as well as what will be added in the coming weeks to months, I wanted to provide sample E-book/PDF, graphic, and video material as well so you know if this course is right for you!

Sample Pages and Graphics from the Text!

Check out a Sample Video on me!

Learning Objectives

- During which phase of the cardiac cycle each coronary artery is perfused and why

- What implications cardiac pathology and mechanical circulatory support has on coronary perfusion

Clinical case scenarios are helpful in putting learned content into real life context 

Clinical Case: 7/11/2023

HeartMate 3 Low Flows after RVAD and ETT removal​

Patient is a 61 year old man with a history of ischemic cardiomyopathy who suffered a cardiac arrest with ROSC, resulting in the need for biventricular support by way of Impella 5.5 and Protek Duo RVAD. The patient ultimately underwent Impella 5.5 removal and placement of a Heartmate 3 durable LVAD. 


2 days after HM3 placement, the Protek Duo RVAD was removed, and one day after that, the patient was extubated. About 20 minutes after extubation, the team was called to the bedside  to find the following patient:


- MAP 40mmHg, HM3 Flows 1.5 L/min, O2 Saturation 71%

- Diminished bilateral breath sounds with audible wet, phlegm/mucus  breath sounds with respiration

What do you think happened and why? How would you manage this patient? Could anything have been done to avoid this? Click the drop down below for answers.

One More Sample Lecture on the House!

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the pathophysiology of North-South Syndrome

  • How to recognize North-South Syndrome clinically

  • How to monitor for North-South Syndrome

  • Management strategies for North-South Syndrome

How About a Whole Sample Section PDF

Transparency is important to me. I never liked signing up for courses, be it online or in person only to have what I expect to learn differ GREATLY from what I actually learn, and I don't want anyone who purchases this course to feel any different. As a result, in order to make things as open as possible so you as the reader know EXACTLY what you're getting, I look to provide as much free sample content as possible to ensure you know what you're getting into. 

So, in the wake of the next upcoming expansion, 'Perioperative Management of the Cardiac Surgical Patient', please enjoy this free sample section from the PDF, 'Aortic Stenosis' to see just how I teach and illustrate key points of this oftentimes physiologically complicated state!

***Disclaimer! Materials from this section are derived from clinical experience, Bojar (cardiac surgical textbook), Kaplan (cardiac anesthesia textbook), and UpToDate

A Sample Lecture From the Newest Expansion Coming October, 2024: Perioperative Management of the Cardiac Surgical Patient

  • Aortic Stenosis- Pathophysiology

    • Learning Objectives:Understand the general principles of aortic stenosis pathophysiology

      • Valve Sizing

      • Why aortic stenosis occurs

      • Left ventricular implications and why (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy)

      • Wall thickness, oxygen supply and demand mismatch

What the Hell... One More Sample Lecture From the Newest Expansion Coming October, 2024: Perioperative Management of the Cardiac Surgical Patient

  • Pre and Intraoperative Management of Patients in Cardiac Tamponade

    • Learning Objectives:

    • Recognize the hemodynamic goals of patients in cardiac tamponade

    • Familiarize yourself with the saying “Fast, Full, and Tight”

    • Strategies and approaches to induction for patients in tamponade

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