Cardiopulmonary physiology at its baseline is complex, striking a natural balance between flow, pressure, resistance, compliance and so much more to allow our heart to provide blood flow and oxygen to the body! But what happens when patients have cardiac diseases that disrupt that normal state? This section of Master the Machines looks to explore the perioperative management of cardiac surgical patients. I break down into its simplest forms the guiding pathophysiology and management of a variety of cardiac surgical pathology in the pre, intra, and postoperative settings without all the extra fluff! Straight to clinically relevant, high yield business!

How About a Whole Sample Section PDF!
Transparency is important to me. I never liked signing up for courses, be it online or in person only to have what I expect to learn differ GREATLY from what I actually learn, and I don't want anyone who purchases this course to feel any different. As a result, in order to make things as open as possible so you as the reader know EXACTLY what you're getting, I look to provide as much free sample content as possible to ensure you know what you're getting into.
So, in the wake of the next upcoming expansion, 'Perioperative Management of the Cardiac Surgical Patient', please enjoy this free sample section from the PDF, 'Aortic Stenosis' to see just how I teach and illustrate key points of this oftentimes physiologically complicated state!
***Disclaimer! Materials from this section are derived from clinical experience, Bojar (cardiac surgical textbook), Kaplan (cardiac anesthesia textbook), and UpToDate

Aortic Stenosis- Pathophysiology
Learning Objectives:Understand the general principles of aortic stenosis pathophysiology
Valve Sizing
Why aortic stenosis occurs
Left ventricular implications and why (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy)
Wall thickness, oxygen supply and demand mismatch